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Immigration Update 21 October 2019

Sheraaz Hingora is a Barrister specialising in Immigration and Asylum law, Public law, Family law and false imprisonment claims at Clarendon Park Chambers.
21 Oct 2019

A summary of the latest developments in Immigration law.

Case law:

AS (Bangladesh), R (On the Application Of) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWCA Civ 1627.

Fresh claim – Paragraph 353 of the immigration rules – new evidence post-decision – Judicial Review – permission refused.

IS (Bangladesh) v SSHD [2019] EWHC 2700 (Admin)

Unlawful detention – 75 days – breach of Article 5 ECHR – breach of Article 8 ECHR (private life).


  1. Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme admin review guidance document replaced with updated version.
  2. Immigration Rules archive: 1 October 2019 to 5 October 2019.
  3. Guidance for criminal investigation officers, about the offence a person commits under section 2 of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004; not having a valid passport or equivalent travel document at entry or asylum interview.
  4. Fact sheet: Graduate Immigration Route issued by Home Office.
  5. EU Settlement Scheme: current expected processing times for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme
  6. Using the ‘EU Exit: ID Document Check’ app. Information for EU citizens and their families applying to the EU Settlement Scheme.


  1. New Bail Observation Project report examines immigration bail hearings at Taylor House
  2. Home Office ‘infiltrating’ safe havens to remove rough sleepers via The Guardian
  3. Boris Johnson’s hard line on immigrants risks ‘retaliatory deportations’ for UK citizens in Europe
  4. Maternity Action launches legal action over NHS charges for maternity care for destitute migrant women.
  5. Supported housing projects throw a lifeline to victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking.
  6. Number of British modern slavery victims up 72% in a year
  7. NHS doctor banned from coming back to UK over visa mix-up. He blames his error on “misleading and confusing advice” on the Home Office website for overseas nationals switching jobs in Britain.
  8. Briefing paper by the House of Commons library: The UK’s future immigration system.
  9. Hundreds of highly skilled people left destitute as Home Office fails to act on legally flawed policy

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